If you or a family member suffer from pet allergies and are considering the Hungarian vizsla as a pet, an important question to ask is are vizslas hypoallergenic.
Unfortunately vizslas are not hypoallergenic but allergy sufferers may still be able to be vizsla owners.
In this article we explain whether vizslas are good for allergy sufferers and what you can do to minimize the symptoms of pet allergens in your home.

This article is based on research and personal experience as a Vizsla owner. I’m not a qualified dog trainer, Vet or dog behaviourist.
Are Vizslas Hypoallergenic?
No, vizslas are not hypoallergenic. Despite having just a single thin coat, vizslas still produce the proteins that cause pet allergies.
The allergens are found in their dander (dead skin cells), hair, in their saliva and urine. The volume of pet dander produced varies between breeds but tends to be higher in dogs that shed a lot.
Now it is a common misconception that vizslas don’t shed – in fact they do shed throughout the year and any breeder who tells you otherwise is not to be trusted.
It may be harder to see the “vizsla glitter” as it is fondly known, but it occurs nonetheless.
Overall Hungarian vizslas tend to be a low allergen producing dog. But of course you should meet and spend time with vizslas to determine your level of allergic response if you have concerns to determine if vizslas are the right dog for you.

Are Wirehaired Vizsla Hypoallergenic?
No, wirehaired vizslas are not hypoallergenic either.
They also shed, and unlike the shorthaired vizslas they have a double coat and shed their undercoat throughout the year.
While still considered a lower allergen dog than other breeds like labradors or border collies, wirehaired vizslas are not hypoallergenic.
Are There Hypoallergenic Dogs?
Despite plenty of marketing to the contrary, no dog breed is 100% hypoallergenic.
All dogs shed dander (dead skin cells) as well as traces of saliva, urine and sweat. It is the proteins found in all of these things than can trigger an allergy.
However some dog breeds like the poodle are more hypoallergenic than others as they produce less dander and drool than other breeds.
The less a dog sheds and drools, the less allergens there are likely to be on your furniture, on you and in the air in your home.
Ultimately you need to determine whether you are allergic by spending time with the dog breeds you love and the particular dog you hope to take home before becoming a dog owner.
Are Vizslas Good For Allergy Sufferers?
While Hungarian vizslas are not classified as a hypoallergenic dog, they tend to be better tolerated by allergy sufferers than other dog breeds and are still worth considering if you suffer from pet allergies and love the vizsla breed.
While vizslas are classified as an “average shedder“, they have just a single coat and no undercoat.
This reduces the amount of seasonal shedding significantly when compared to other dog breeds and is one of the big pros of vizsla dogs and vizsla service dogs.
Many vizsla owners with mild allergies note that they do not experience allergic reactions to their vizsla dog.
They also don’t tend to drool a great deal, which is another component when it comes to pet allergens.
What Are Common Allergy Symptoms To Watch Out For?
If you have never owned a dog and don’t know if you or your children are allergic to dogs, common symptoms to watch out for include:
Runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, sneezing, hives on the skin, eczema, worsening asthma symptoms, nasal congestion and itchiness in the throat.
It is a good idea to meet up with breeders, friends or neighbours with vizslas or head to the local dog park to see whether you suffer allergic reactions to vizslas.
However it is also worth noting that allergic reactions can build up and change over time, so below we list some actions you can take to reduce allergic reactions to vizslas if you are already a vizsla owner.

What To Do If You Suffer Allergy Symptoms With Your Vizsla
If you start to experience allergic reactions to your vizsla, below are some steps to take to reduce your pet allergy symptoms.
Vacuum Regularly
A weekly vacuum of all floors, rugs and soft furnishings will help prevent the build up of dander in the home.
Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter helps capture smaller particles and are recommended for use by allergy sufferers.
Feed Your Vizsla A High Quality Dog Food
Feeding your vizsla a good quality dog food will help keep them fit and maintain a healthy, shiny coat.
A healthy coat reduces the likelihood of dry skin issues and can help minimize diet related shedding.
Keep Them Off Your Furniture And Bedding
Ideally you want to keep your dog off your couch and bedding to minimize the spread of dander.
However this is easier said than done when living with a vizsla who feel the cold and love to be close to you!
- If you can’t (or don’t want to) keep them off your couch, consider using throws or couch covers than can be removed and washed regularly.
- Keep your vizsla out of your bedrooms and definitely off your bed.
Wash Vizsla Bedding Regularly
To minimize pet allergens in the home it is a good idea to wash your vizsla’s bed each week.
This will remove dander, saliva and external allergens from their bedding.
Keeping their bedding clean is much easier to do if you buy a good quality dog bed with removable covers.
Groom Your Vizsla Often
Vizslas are pretty clean dogs and their short coat makes them very low maintenance.
However, if you are experiencing allergy issues with your vizsla a weekly grooming session will help reduce the amount of hair dropped shed throughout the house.
Try using a hypoallergenic shampoo and a rubber brush or a pet grooming glove to remove those short glittery hairs.
Also wipe them down with a damp cloth when you return from walks in case you are reacting to any pollens and/or soil they bring in on their paws and coat.

Dust The Home Frequently
Dusting regularly with a damp cloth will help reduce the dust, dander and dog hair in the home.
Cover Your Arms And Legs
If you or a child suffers allergic skin reactions when cuddling your vizsla, try covering your arms and legs when interacting with your dog.
This can help reduce skin reactions if the allergy is saliva related.
It is also good practice to wash your hands after petting the dog.
Switch Out The Carpet For Hard Floors
This is a longer term recommendation, but it is well known that wall to wall carpet is best avoided in your home if you are an allergy sufferer.
Try and plan for hard floors and/or short pile rugs in common areas where your vizsla spends their time.
Vizsla dogs are not hypoallergenic but they are considered a low allergen dog thanks in part to their short single coat.
Many vizsla owners who have allergies report no symptoms when spending time with their vizslas. But if you do suffer from pet allergies the best thing to do is spend time with vizslas to work out if they are the dog breed for you.
It is possible to build immunity to pet allergens over time, but it isn’t guaranteed.
See our review of the vizsla poodle cross for another low allergen option.
More Vizsla Breed Guides
If you enjoyed this guide to whether vizslas are hypoallergenic, you may like:
- How to groom a vizsla
- Do vizslas handle the cold?
- Hungarian vizsla name ideas
- Are vizslas good guard dogs?
Or, browse all vizsla breed guides here.
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